Search results for: “28”

  • CoQ10 and Fertility: Understanding the Connection | The Yinova Center

    “Should I be taking CoQ10 if I’m trying to get pregnant?” In most cases, the answer is yes. CoQ10 is a coenzyme found in every cell of the human body that is essential to energy production and cellular function. For people trying to conceive, it can help eggs live up to their potential by supporting…

  • The 5 Different Types of Pain | The Yinova Center

    Pain is an unpleasant experience we all encounter at some point in our lives. But did you know there are various types of pain? Knowing the different kinds of pain can help you better understand the underlying causes and treatments available. In this article, you’ll learn about the five types of pain, how to manage…

  • Got Menstrual Cramps? Acupuncture Might Help! | The Yinova Center

    Do you ever find yourself doubled over in pain during your period, wishing there was an easy fix? Well, new research suggests that acupuncture could be a great choice to tackle nasty cramps. Let’s explore how this ancient Chinese practice works and why it might be the perfect remedy for your period-related woes. Key Takeaways…

  • Can I Shower After Cupping? | The Yinova Center

    Cupping therapy, an alternative medicine practice that’s grown increasingly popular in recent years, has been a traditional treatment throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe for centuries. And research shows that it’s effective at relieving pain and treating conditions like fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. If you’re looking into cupping to treat a medical condition (or…

  • Astragalus Root: Benefits and Potential Side Effects | The Yinova Center

    Originally recorded in the most famous ancient Chinese medical book, Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, in 200 AD, astragalus root is a powerful non-toxic herb with several healing properties. It’s used worldwide in both Eastern and Western medicine today to boost immune function, prevent cancer, improve memory, and even shrink tumors. But this seemingly miraculous…

  • Vitamins Making You Sleepy? This Might Be Why | The Yinova Center

    Have you ever taken a vitamin supplement and felt more tired than usual afterward? This may come as a surprise after taking something known to boost energy levels. However, vitamins can indeed cause drowsiness in some cases. In this article, we’ll explore why vitamins can make you sleepy and which are most commonly associated with…

  • April’s Pink Supermoon | The Yinova Center

    The evening of Tuesday, April 7th will boast the most resplendent Full Moon of the year. We’re here to reveal all you need to know about what this beautiful moon will bring and how you can best take care of your physical and energetic bodies in preparation for this exquisite lunar event. Facts & Figures…

  • Immune-Boosting Elderberry Syrup | The Yinova Center

    Elderberries have been used for hundreds of years in Europe, where they are prized as an immune-booster. This home-made elderberry syrup is a favorite remedy in our family, where we take 1 tbsp a day throughout the winter to ward off colds and flu. If we do start to get sick we step up the…

  • Emma Explores: Jade Rollers | The Yinova Center

    Hello, c’est moi. I’m back and exploring things. For anyone new here, Emma Explores is a series where I investigate various “things” in wellness! From new fads to ancient formulas, my goal is to dive in headfirst with the hopes of demystifying some of the buzziest buzzwords in wellness. Today, I’m looking at Facial Rollers.…

  • 5 Facts About Chinese Medicine | The Yinova Center

    Let’s start with some basics, shall we? Traditional Chinese medicine is a 3,500-year-old system of medicine. It’s used to address a huge variety of ailments from minor imbalances to chronic conditions and is based on the philosophy that the human body is in a dynamic state of balance- both internally and with the outside world.…