Tag: Chinese

  • Chinese Herbs for Fertility Success | The Yinova Center

    At Yinova, we are dedicated to putting integrative care within your reach, giving you the ability to take your health in hand. We do this by combining all the tools that Chinese medicine offers us — from acupuncture to gua sha, Chinese herbal formulas to nutritional advice, cupping to dietary guidance – each of these…

  • Chinese Herbs for Fertility Success | The Yinova Center

    A quick google search for “Fertility Herb” yields a ton of recommendations aimed at anyone looking to improve their chances of conceiving naturally. But, because there isn’t just one cause of infertility, there shouldn’t really be blanket recommendations that apply to anyone and everyone. In fact, there could even be some negative effects of taking,…

  • Medicinal Mushrooms | Chinese Medicine | The Yinova Center

    Among the vast trove of remedies in the pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine, some of the most revered medicinals are not plants, but fungi. Reishi, maitake, cordyceps, and turkey tail are quickly becoming all the rage as the latest superfood trend. In Chinese medicine, however, the use of medicinal mushrooms dates back to some of…

  • 5 Facts About Chinese Medicine | The Yinova Center

    Let’s start with some basics, shall we? Traditional Chinese medicine is a 3,500-year-old system of medicine. It’s used to address a huge variety of ailments from minor imbalances to chronic conditions and is based on the philosophy that the human body is in a dynamic state of balance- both internally and with the outside world.…