Search results for: “144”

  • A Topical for the Ages: Po Sum On Oil | The Yinova Center

    Po Sum On Oil is a topical analgesic used to increase circulation, warm up painful muscles, and relieve pain. The oil has a delicious cinnamon smell and is applied topically to the skin to provide deep, penetrative warmth for the muscles and tissues.  Po Sum On Oil is a powerful pain reliever because of its jam-packed…

  • Chinese Herbs for Fertility Success | The Yinova Center

    A quick google search for “Fertility Herb” yields a ton of recommendations aimed at anyone looking to improve their chances of conceiving naturally. But, because there isn’t just one cause of infertility, there shouldn’t really be blanket recommendations that apply to anyone and everyone. In fact, there could even be some negative effects of taking,…

  • The Scoop on Cold Foods | The Yinova Center

    If you’ve ever been to see an acupuncturist, you’ve likely received advice to steer clear of cold foods. This can be a tough pill to swallow, especially for people who love salads and iced drinks (venti cold brew, anyone?) The good news is that there are definitely some things that you can do to balance…